
School Photos - Baseball vs. Chapin HS
Sahuaro High School baseball participated in the 2025 Cowboy Up Invitational at Kino Sports Complex, facing off against Chapin High School in a highly competitive matchup.
A baseball player in a number 1 jersey holds the bat behind his back as he looks out onto the field
A Sahuaro player jumps up to catch the ball in his mitt as an opposing player slides into the base
A Sahuaro player throws a ball out onto the field
A Sahuaro player swings the bat
Sahuaro's pitcher throws out the ball from the mound
School Photos - Advanced Guitar Orchestra
A teen boy with dark hair plays his guitar
A teen girl with dark hair looks down at her guitar as she plays
A music teacher directs the advanced guitar orchestra
A teen girl with glasses and stickers on her face plays her guitar
A teen boy with dark hair and glasses focuses as he plays guitar
School Photos - VEX Robotics
Sahuaro High School hosted Tucson's first VEX Robotics Tournament on Saturday, December 7th. This event featured 33 robotics teams from across Arizona and New Mexico, competing for the title of Tournament Champion.
A girl and a boy in safety goggles and Sahuaro shirts look at their robot
A group of four girls smile with their robot
A boy in glasses works on his team's robot
A group of six boys give thumbs up with their robot
Sahuaro's team controls their robot
A teen boy works on a computer
A woman smiles as she serves food in the cafeteria
A teen girl paints during art class
A teen boy focuses while playing guitar
A teen girl plays keyboards
School Photos - Swim Meet
Swimmers from Tucson High, Rincon/UHS, and Sahuaro High came together at Quincie Douglas Pool for an exciting swim meet. All athletes gave their best while friends and family cheered them on. It was a great day of competition and school spirit for all.
Sahuaro swimmers huddle together before the meet
Four Sahuaro swimmers sit on the edge of the pool watching their teammates
A Sahuaro swimmer makes her big dive into the pool
Two Sahuaro swimmers fist bump each other in the pool
A Sahuaro swimmer lines up waiting for her turn to go
School Photos - Cross Country Meet
The Titans and the Cougars had to dig deep to cross the finish line at a recent cross country meet. The course was difficult and hot, with a steep climb up and out of the wash to the final sprint. Their athleticism was apparent, as friends & family cheered them on.
A Sahuaro cross country athlete puts out her arms to balance herself while running up the final hilll
A Sahuaro cross country athlete pushes hard on the course
Two Sahuaro cross country athletes run across the grassy field
A Sahuaro cross country athlete runs across the grassy field
A Sahuaro cross country athlete puts her hand down to steady herself while running up the final hill
Three students smile together in the hallway
A teen boy works on his laptop
A teacher addresses her class
Two girls hold their guitars and look at their laptop
A teen boy uses his camera in a photography class
School Photos - Graduation
Closeup of a Sahuaro grad's cap from the back
Sahuaro grads take a group selfie together before the ceremony
Scene from back of the football stadium during the graduation ceremony
A Sahuaro grad gives a speech during the ceremony
A Sahuaro grad smiles and waves to a friend in the crowd of fellow graduates
School Photos - Opening day at our school
Students climb the stairs to enter on their first day back.
Each student is greeted as they enter the building.  Fist bump!
Starting school is an important step for families to do together.
Staff holding up a finger to show we are ready to serve.
Professionals are here to keep kids safe.